Baku Hashimoto
Baku Hashimoto
Vice President

Development Bank of Japan



  • How have engine leases compared with aircraft leases?  エンジンリース vs 機材リース
  • What are the key differences between the two? 両者の主な違いは何か?
  • Which narrowbody and regional aircraft were most used during the pandemic? パンデミック時に最も使用されたナローボディ機とリージョナル機は?
  • How should this inform investment strategy going forward? これを今後の投資戦略にどのように反映されるべきか?
Yusuke Nakazawa
Manager, Hyakugo Bank
Saburo Koyama
CEO, iStrings
Baku Hashimoto
Vice President, Development Bank of Japan
Motonari Komatsu
Director, Societe Generale
Noriko Nozaki
Head of Japan and South Korea, Ishka