Takahiro Yoshiga
Takahiro Yoshiga
Executive Officer and General Manager, International Business Development

SBI Leasing Services



  • How have JOL and JOLCOs performed over the pandemic? パンデミックの間、パンデミック禍、JOL・JOLCOのパフォーマンス推移は?リターンは?
  • What returns have there been for other alternative investments? 他投資資産がもたらす利益は?
  • Is there investment appetite returning for Japanese investors? What key milestones do they want to see before returning to the market? 日本の投資家意欲は戻ってきているのか? 投資家が市場復帰するために求められる重要なマイルストーンとは何か?
  • Do joint ventures with leasing platforms hold any appeal for Japanese investors?リース会社の提供するプラットフォームと投資家とのジョイントベンチャーは、日本の投資家にとって魅力的にうつるのか?
  • What are the other opportunities in aviation for Japanese investors? 航空産業分野において、日本投資家へのその他事業機会
Christian Schloemann
Managing Director/Head of Finance, GOAL Leasing
Yoichi Hirotani
Commercial, Airborne Capital Partners
Antony Snelleman
Chief Risk Officer and Head of Asia & Middle East, Aergo Capital
Takahiro Yoshiga
Executive Officer and General Manager, International Business Development, SBI Leasing Services
George Ai
Head of Global Equity Markets, Novus